
2008 - 2021

In loving memeory of our sweet beloved Talon. He joined our family in August 2008. We lived in Winnipeg at the time. When we first met Talon he put his mark on our hearts. He was destined for a Northern reserve. We prayed so hard he wouldn't go and come to us instead. Thankfully our prayers were answered. Talon was our first baby. He kept us on our toes and was full of endless energy and attitude. He loved rollerblading with Daddy and walks and naps with Mommy. In 2010 our son joined our family and Talon started his role as big brother and took this role serious. He protected our son and loved him so much. In 2014 our daughter joined our family and Talon was on double duty. He was so incredible with both kids. Very patient and loving. Let them put all sorts of hats and stuff on his head. Let them jump on him and played with them. He had lots of furry cousins too that he loved to spend time with. In 2016 we moved to Abbotsford BC and he had a fun road trip with his Daddy for our big move. He settled in well to his new home. He had a big yard with room to run and loved to keep out all the critters that came through our yard. He enjoyed his BC adventures, hikes and creeks with us. He continued his role as big brother, protector and comfort to our family. He would fall asleep with our kids and stay with them when they were sick. He always took amazing care of us. Stayed with us when we were sad right up to his last days. As he approached his last days, he didn't want us to fuss over him. Kept to himself. The strongest most amazing boy we know. We will never forget his quirkyness, his attitude and his fierceness. But most of all we will miss his love and comfort. He has left big paw prints on all of our hearts. We are forever grateful for our almost 13 years with our sweet boy. We love and miss you so much Talimo. God Bless you always ♥️
Love, Mommy Daddy Easton and Presley