1998 - 2009
AKA: Mobykins, Mopy, Little One, Baby, Babykins, Monkey, Doodle, Dauble, Munchkin, Dude.
Moby, we hoped you would live forever, for we knew that when God called you to his garden, it would devastate us. We were right. Sept. 4/09 is a day we will never forget. We did not know that your enjoyment of the sun would steal you away from us. We did everything we could for you but could not see you suffer any longer. We believe we gave you a good life, lovingly cared for you every day and made sure we were always there for you. We take comfort in knowing that you are in heaven where you can be outdoors, playing in the grass, enjoying the warm sunshine and just having a good time. Being the kitten that you always were. Our lives are richer for having shared every day with you for over 11 years. We would not have changed a minute except to eliminate the discomfort you went through in the last month. We miss you soooooooo much! Your playful ways, your soft white fur and tranquil green eyes are now only visible in our thoughts and dreams of you. We will keep you in our hearts and will always love you. Mom & Dad.