French Montana

2014 - 2022

Everyone that knew me, knew you. I posted you, I spoke about you to anyone that'd listen, I took you everywhere I could even if it meant I was going to get cussed because I always wanted you to be with me no matter what. I told everyone to get a dog because of the happiness you brought into our lives. You made everyone that met you, love you. You comforted, you healed, you supported, you did as you were told, you were so obedient, you smiled, you laughed, you rode in my custom bike basket, you played along with all my silly antics, you got ready with me countless times, you ran a million errands, you loved so naturally - I wish humans could love as purely as you. I only hope that I'm capable of loving others a fraction of how you did during your time here with us. I was not ready to let you go. You did not deserve this. You had so much more life to live.

French, Frenchie Poo, Big Fat French, Big Mon French, how can I ever thank you enough for taking a chance on me - a first time dog mama - to be your caregiver, your protector, your watcher, your blanket, your company, your partner, your champion, your best friend, your mom for the past 8 years. I'm hurting, I'm crying, I'm in so much sadness, my heart is broken. I don't want to believe it. I miss you. I love you so so much. I know you knew.