
2009 - 2013

My dear, sweet Cosmo…since the day you had to suddenly leave us on your journey, not a day has gone by without tears in my eyes and a deep emptiness in my heart. You were just a pup, 3 and a half years old. Our time with you was far too short. But we are so thankful for every precious moment you gave to us.

You brought so much joy and silliness into our lives and to everyone you crossed paths with. You were such a happy and gentle spirit who knew how to live life to its fullest...belly flopping into the water right to the very end! You were the bravest puppy in the world in the face of cancer. How I miss your golden fur, red eyelashes, your beaming smile, those lively brown eyes and your expressive tail. I miss how your little bum swayed when you walked and how you could never run straight.

I love how your eyes twinkled with excitement as you'd wait for us to throw your ball. I've never met a dog with such an amazing talent for catching things, especially those long bombs you love to snatch right out of mid-air! I'm sure you would be a world champion if only we had the time to find out. And it never ceased to amaze me how you would always find your way to get to any body of water to jump into! I miss how you would roll around in mud puddles to cool off even though it meant we had to give you a bath! I even miss having to clean your ears afterwards.

I miss watching you perch up at our window sill, staring outside to make sure that you would be ready for any action that comes our way. I miss the tiny barks you let out when you dream, and I miss playing with your ears and caressing your face when you napped. And oh, how I miss sharing my food with you. You were definitely a seasoned food connoisseur in another life and always held out for the very best! You definitely knew how to enjoy life, and I will try to follow in your footsteps (except for maybe rolling in the mud!).

I could never have imagined how having a dog in my life would change my world forever. You were so much more than a dog…truly irreplaceable. You were my first puppy love. My trusted companion. My most accepting friend. My therapy dog. My ray of sunshine. And you will forever be, my little Cosmo. Thank you for your gift of love and choosing us to be your family. We couldn't be more proud of you. We will always love and remember you and I cannot wait until I can give you kisses again. But until then silly monkey, I hope that you are having all the fun in the world!

With so much love,
Claudia and Chee (mom and dad)