Ace Coleman

1997 - 2010

To my beloved dog Ace!!--October 10,1997- May 28,2010- I remember the day we brought you home,all dad could say was "wow" look at the mittens on that dog! Oh how we laughed about that! You came into our lives at such a perfect time,you were such a healing best friend to a daughter that needed you so much..over the years you have always been a loyal handsome gentle bear, even when we introduced a new puppy ScoobyDoo,who nearly drove you crazy nipping and chewing on your ears..but you put him in his place and made it known who the boss of the house was!! A couple years later another bouncy crazy dog slipped into our lives,and you had to set him straight to! We have known for a while Ace that you have been struggling to keep going,but no matter what, you always had a big smile and a tail wag to greet us, I guess we just didn't want to face the facts that it was time to let you go. Well my dear friend, today is the day that you will be on your way to a much better place, I guess the saying holds true, All good dogs really do go to heaven! You will be in our hearts forever my wonderful faithful friend, We love you and miss you terribly Ace!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox