Oliver lEwis

2015 - 2021

Oliverq, there’s nothing more that I want to do than kiss your little nose and snuggle you before bed and feel you jump up on me in the morning for more snuggles. 5 years wasn’t nearly enough time with you... but you were loved beyond anything and always will be, my first baby. I will always love and always miss you. Every time I eat cereal I’ll miss you there begging for my milk, I’ll miss the way you meowed and ran to us when anyone had a water bottle because all you wanted was a cap of water, I’ll never forget how you could hear me brushing my hair from miles away and wanted a brush too or how you would lie on anyone’s computer when they were working. I’ll miss you squeezing into bed beside me at night or in the morning when you would scratch the bed and hop up for pets and the way you would purr when you got them. You were a skittish cat who ran all over everything..couches...counters..most people didn’t understand but I did 💙 you licked the condensation off anything...beer, cold glass, cold windows. You waited by the shower (or in it) if we were in there, and you hated being left alone so I brought you anywhere I could. You sat in all the baby stuff and your favourite place to sleep was my flower bag. You were there for all the big moments - engagement, marriage, babies and house sold. I love you and I’ll never forget you.