
July 22, 2018

In Loving memory of Dakota (Cody) Pawa who passed away on May 1st 2011 in Edmonton, Alberta. A loving, gentle giant, Cody was a female Alaskan Malamute with a beautiful black and white coat with cream highlights. She did not cause me any fuss or extraordinary effort to have her by my side for 11 years. A purebred I acquired at age 5, she was truly a gorgeous animal. All things come to pass and after a stroke three weeks ago, she laboured along; but her time had come. She will join our first siberian husky Nikita, 9 years old at time of passing; and our two siamese cats 16 years and 21 years and passed on (Mickey and Minnie our children’s pets), their ashes in urns and oka boxes in a quiet place in our home.