
2009 - 2023

My sweetheart Chester boy.
All my friends including the different vets said the same thing about you, “what a sweet, little fella”. Tiny, but with a mighty heart filled with unconditional love, joy, and happiness that I was lucky and blessed to share with. You brought life to the house, and now it’s filled with emptiness and sadness. I’m filled with pain and sorrow, and it’s inconsolable. There’s a deep hole in my heart. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you and cry.
You were such a champ with a strong will to live. You pulled through every health obstacle until the very last and final one took you over the rainbow bridge. You’re free from suffering and in a better place.
You are now in God’s hands my sweet, precious Chester. Rest peacefully sweet angel. I have faith we will be reunited when it’s my time. Forever in my heart and soul. God bless your sweet, gentle soul. Amen.
We all love and miss you deeply and oh so very much.
Your human fur mama, Kevin, Steven, and the rest of your human pack family members. XOXOXOXO