
2000 - 2016

Sweet Casey,

You were so much more than a dog. You were our 3rd child, our friend, our comedienne and a furry sibling to the kids as they grew up. Our boy, Boo Boo and a one off. You cannot be replaced and in our hearts you will forever remain cherished for all the joy, love, loyalty and beauty you brought to our lives. You were with us almost 16 years but it was not enough time. Until we meet again, Casey-boy....know you were and are always loved.

Your family,
Mommy, Daddy, Alyssa & Adam
and the cats, Annie & Riley

PS Bark hello to Abby-girl for us. I'm sure she's found you by now and the Jack Russell rompers are at it again. Say hi to Sheba with an ear lick, too.