Buddy Butto

Shy twenty five days, he spoiled us for five years. He would impatiently nudge us for a nice long walk, or jog. He was always ready, no matter what the time, weather, or occasion.

He never let us down. Despite being terrified of driving he would recklessly hop into the car and attempt to relax all the way to our camp sites. He knew we would be there for him along those endless journeys along the peaceful shores of Bon Echo.

His patience was astonishing. He allowed us to turn on the dishwasher while he trembled with terror as he cowered in the corner. He knew it was necessary. He would lie on his back and play possum in hopes of avoiding being let out when the garbage trucks were rolling in our neighborhood.

He just wanted to be loved. He greeted us with body slams, golden showers, unintentional back flips, and spectacular wipeouts. He would graciously lick the baby after being dragged around the house by his beard, and check to make sure YOU were okay after getting his tail caught in the car door ...

... and the mornings are painfully quiet. Buddy you are missed. Thankfully you will be forever young in our hearts.

Buddy Butto - 01/18/2009 to 12/24/2013