
2006 - 2023

Thank you for 17 years of unconditional love, loyalty, companionship, and so much more.. Thank you for coming into my life, and for spending your entire lifetime with me. My life now will forever be completely different without you.. You were my bestfriend since your birth in 2006.. We grew up together, we cried together, we cuddled, we simply existed as a conjoined unit.

Losing you Angel, I have lost a complete half of who I am. I may find comfort in the knowing that your passing was seemingly peaceful, as if you'd simply drifted off to sleep.. But, even so.. it DESTROYED me when I had to say goodbye to you forever those days ago.. Forever... Where I can't pet you anymore, where I can't hear your adorable meow anymore.. where I can't see you, ever again.. Your passing was so sudden and completely random, you were doing so well for so long after your pain regime was made. Your bloodwork was fantastic, especially at such an age.. But then I think, with how peaceful you looked That night.. it's as if you knew it was your time, comfortable and safe within my bedroom.. But then.. This all seems so.. fake.. so alien.. It's like a blow to the chest by a cannon, I'm choking in tears, I'm completely broken, I'm angry.. You're gone and I can't ever change that...

I am going to miss you and miss you forever. My sweet Angel, my Queen, my Guardian Angel, my Bestfriend. I will eternally love you, and cannot wait to see you again someday.. Rest easily my beautiful girl, goodbye for now my Angel.. πŸ’•
πŸ•ŠApril 16th, 2006 - July 6th, 2023πŸ•Š
Forever In My Heart