
2000 - 2017

Max was rescued in 2003, and he was full grown then so I was never sure how old he was. He could be nasty and would bite you if you looked at him the wrong way. Many of us still display battle scars from his mood swings! He could also be so sweet and cuddly. His fur was so very soft and he would turn on his purrer at the slightest touch. He always spend his nights sleeping on his special pillow above my head often resting his head on mine. Any box that was brought into the house no matter how big or small would become his. He loved chasing the laser pointer and his toy mouse. He wasn't terribly fond of his canine brother and sister but would not back down from either one of them he was the king of his domain. My bed and heart are emptier now but my memories of his attitude and night time snuggles will always be something I can look back on.