
2000 - 2017

Linus, known as Linusdacat on his Facebook and Instagram, came into our lives as a stray in September 2000 after sitting in the middle of the road in order to stop and get the attention of his future grandma. He was born in Thunder Bay, ON where he lived with his family for 10 years until moving with them to Cambriddge then Kitchener, ON. In 2002, Linus welcomed his human sister to whom he would have an everlasting and protective bond. Linus was the most friendliest and loving cat-turning cat dislikers into cat lovers. He enjoyed car rides, walks, snuggles, playing hide and seek, and his later years relaxing at the campground trailer. Despite being diagnosed with diabetes at 10 (later in remission) and pancreatis from an unknown cause, Linus carried on, later succumbing to old age heart failure. Linus crossed the Rainbow Bridge peacefully at home with his family by his side and with the compassionate assistance of Dr. Susan Dailley. Gone but never ever to be forgotten, our hearts and lives will never be the same without you. We will forever miss you " Poochy"