
2011 - 2023

My sweet baby Boy, mama's boy, Harry! Always the baby at any age, he sucked on a blankie for a full year. I adopted him from Pet Uno as a kitten. He was so pink. He was the sweetest boy, always wanting love and affection and to give love and affection. He was a funny guy , loved to jump high and show off his balancing skills on the staircase much to my great anxiety when he would do this.
Harry's surrogate mom passed away 6 years ago, Olivia. Harry came to us as a baby and my other two cats, Olivia and Percy were about 5 years older. Olivia treated him like her baby and of course Percy wa s tad jealous since Olivia was his. Olivia passed on 6 years ago and took my heart with her. My partner, Ian got another girl to join the family, her name is Sylvie. Harry being older just took to Sylvie like butter to bread. He loved her so much and they would dance together and play liek crazy. All three got along well except a bit of jealousy between the boys but overall a happy family.
Harry was a funny cat and curious but above all loving. He loved the sunlight, flowers, playing but I think he most loved to eat and be cuddled by his mom, me. He really loved his mom so much that it breaks my heart he is gone. I need his love. I need it so much and am going to miss this sweet guy. Harry as i weep and scream that you are no longer with me, I am reminded of all that you gave me.
Harry was diagnosed with acute kidney failure 5 moths ago and his vet didn't htink he would live another day but Harry did not give up and neither did I. He lived a nother 5 months full of life and love. However this past weekend he took a downward turn. He was hiding under my bed and would not eat or drink or go to the litter box. I took him to see the vet yesterday and we found a large mass on his kidney that we could actually feel. Aside from surgery that costs $2500 and was not a guarantee, the most the vet could do is give me appetite stimulates but basically Harry would be the same within days. I had to make that horrible decision. I wanted so much to bring him home but instead had to put him out of any misery.
I am utterly devastated and beyond consoling. I pray my baby is in a good place where I can be with him again some day.
I love you so much my baby. Mommy will alwys have you in her heart.