Angel Mcquarrie

2004 - 2012

I can still remember the first time I saw you, Angel-girl. The first time you set eyes on me, you were up on your hind paws and reaching your front paws out to me, pawing the air. I held you just minutes after that, the whole time your purr was so strong and loud, I was amazed such a loud contented noise could come from such a small kitten. I remember my Dad came over, and went to pet your belly, you caught his thumb between your front paws, and licked his thumb. From that moment on, there was no question: You were ours, we were yours. We shared many memories over the years, some tears, many laughs, lots of cuddles. These memories, I'll cherish forever. I could never have asked for a more perfect Angel to be in my life. I love you.