
2005 - 2013

Our baby Abby girl- taken too soon. While on a visit to the Kingston Humane Society in 2006, you picked us and we were so glad you did. Our memories are extensive, and will replay daily in our minds.
Your tough exterior was always a front, you loved everyone and everything including taking on the role of mother hen all your “siblings”. From Bella dog to the kittens, from the guinea pig to the degus you loved supervising them all and making sure everyone was ok and accounted for.
When Bella would get in over her head (as a bold Shitzu often does) you were there. You loved to be busy and play…anything…from soccer to tennis ball chasing; squirrel watching to rabbit hunting; from swimming trips to camping trips you always made sure everyone was accounted for- your pack was always important and there safety always your concern.
After your playtime came the down time, usually accompanied by one of your stuffies, bossy barks for attention, couch cuddling, camp fire warming and then bed hogging (but only daddy’s side).
We will never forget the bread stealing- bread over steak was always preferred; car rides to exciting places and the look on your face when their cats wouldn’t play like yours.
You fought hard - you gave it your all and surprised everyone with your will-to-live on “your terms”. You are missed by many friends and your canine sister Bella, and feline sisters and Brother Cleo, Maia, Tiger and Oreo
Coming home will never be the same. We miss you more than words can say and will see you at the rainbow bridge. Love always Mummy and Daddy.