
1999 - 2009

Jinx - my non-human soul mate

My sister brought you home in her van. She said you almost got hit by a hydro truck and then crawled up in her engine. My boyfriend (at the time) and I had decided to adopt a cat to take with us when we moved in together. And then you came along and it was destiny. Since you had a chipped tooth and your legs were kinda crooked I thought "boy, this cat is lucky" I decided to name you Lucky. The vet said 'luckies' are actually very unlucky. I thought "this cat is jinxed" and that’s where your name came from.

From the moment we were together I knew we were something special to each other. We understood each other on a level no person ever had and probably ever will. We were in tune emotionally. You always 'got me'.

Through the years we went through many experiences together. School, break-ups, many moves and knowing and losing Milo. I can't think of anytime in my life where you weren't there with me. You got me through everything.

When you were diagnosed with kidney disease I was sure that was it. Then Milo got sick and that loss broke my heart. But you got better. There were times when I felt guilty for giving you pills and poking you for fluids. But then I would see you running around like an idiot and knew I was doing the right thing.

What was up with you and anything pink?? Your pom poms had to be just the right size and colour.

I got 2 extra years with you and they were amazing. You ran around the backyard catching shrews and loving life. You had a sparkle in your eye I had never seen. You were the healthiest sick cat I ever met. So happy that sometimes I forgot that our time together would one day end or that you were sick.

You had the most beautifully expressive eyes and I always knew what you were thinking and wanted.

You were weird and clingy and had to have everything just so. You were prissy and beautiful. You always loved to sleep in the closet and we'd always joke that you were 'coming out of the closet' because you were so dainty about everything.

Today I knew I had to say goodbye. We fought a good fight but my helping you had begun to hurt you. I vowed to give you a good quality of life and keeping you with me would have been selfish. You deserved better and that's why I let you go.

I hope you knew how much you meant to me. I hope you are somewhere catching shrews and chasing pom poms or dental floss.

You were my very best friend and am better for having known and loved you. I don't know how to explain what you have meant to me. I never saw you as anything other than my family and my friend.

Goodbye Schmoo, Big eyes, Gray man, Priss priss, Owl eyes, Skinny, Crooked, Creepy, Squawky

P.S Lola will miss you too.