
2013 - 2022

Stella was rescued from a kill shelter in bakersfield california stella was 3.5 yearsold when she was rescUed & brouGht to alberta.
She was the smartest sweetest dog, her favourite things were car rides, walks, timbits, treats, cuddling & sleeping in the bed with her humans. She loved her grandma’ & Grandpa’s
On the morning of MaY 24 i layed My beStest friend to rest.
Stella saved my life in many ways, i was 17 & oUt of control & i needed something to live for. Something to give me purpose she gave me the purpose to change my life & live for her. She gAve me so much joy & love.
She Was my bestest frienD.
I will miss you everyday until we meet again
My Bestest Girl
I Love you boogie,